With inspiration we achieve magic

22 February 2022
With inspiration we achieve magic

Perhaps one of the most difficult things in life is to 'find yourself or rather 'create yourself', characterized by character, skills, and dreams, and to formulate your mission in this world. Teenagers often experiment with which 'I' they like, and where to develop it.


The 'Interactive Studying' team decided instead of imitating sales of existing products to create their own and find real users for them. This is how we distinguish ourselves from other training companies. Through the company, we search and create ourselves. We follow the rules of imitation, but we also improvise daily. We offer the gamification of education, but most of all we develop and transform the talents that each one of us possesses into value for others.


For as long as I can remember, I have lived in a world of jewelry... I know them, choose them, think about them, and make them... Naturally, I used my jewelry skills to create a merchandising product for our company - a beautiful bracelet with a thread and a tile. The special charm of our bracelets is the engraved QR code for one of our apps.


The love for the jewelry comes not only from the way they look, put together like jewelry, but also from the emotion that brings you associations and memories with them. Everything we own remains in our consciousness associated with one story or another. The bracelets engage me, and by wearing them our first customers - the teachers from NTBG, have a reason to tell about us to everyone who asks them about the bracelet. These techno-jewels make me smile and entertain. And that engages me even more.


I don't know if I will become a jeweler, nor what the jewelry of the future will be, but I am confident that the emotion of our jewelry is fascinating. As well as his opportunities to help the development of our company!


If you have an educational and training company and want to have your jewel - for advertising purposes or directly as a product - look for us!


The bracelet has a special connection with physics. On the one hand, engraving directly results from physics – the laser. On the other hand, the QR code on the tile leads to our "Magnetic Magic", which turns the phone into a laboratory instrument for measuring the magnetic field with a sensor built into your smartphone. The application currently only works on Android and displays interesting images related to the magnetic field. It provides an opportunity to test knowledge through questions on the topic with possible answers of 'yes' and 'no'.


I will be glad if you write to us on Facebook or Instagram what is your favorite part of the game, what methods of obtaining new knowledge you know, and what is your talent or are you in the process of finding it!


Darina Ivanova, Manager

PE 'Interactive Studying'

Геймификацията е световен тренд - случва се и в образованието, и в бизнеса. Ние вече опитахме силите си в образованието. Ще успеем ли в бизнеса?

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